Economic Indictors of Human health and social work activities |
2020 |
Economic Indictors of Human health and social work activities by Economic Activity |
2020 |
Characteristics of Health Sector |
2020 |
Employment at Government Hospitals and Health Centers by Professional Categories |
2020 |
Employment at Medical Private Sector Hospitals |
2020 |
Government Hospitals Performance Indicators by Hospital |
2020 |
Private Sector Hospitals Performance Indicators |
2020 |
Government and Private Hospitals Patients (Out / In) |
2020 |
Patients at Government Hospitals (Out/ In) by Specialty |
2020 |
Patients at Medical Private Sector Hospitals (Out/ In) by International Classification of Diseases |
2020 |
Operations at Government and Private Hospitals by Specialty |
2020 |
Government Health Centers Services (General Clinics) |
2020 |
Medical Supporting Services at Governmental and Medical Private Sector Establishments by Type of Examination |
2020 |
Medical Services at The Dubai Police Health Center and Its Employees |
2020 |
Notified Infections by Type, Nationality and Gender |
2020 |
Infected Patients by Tuberculosis and Malaria by Age Groups |
2020 |
Traffic Accidents and Injuries by Years |
2020 |
Traffic Accidents and Injuries by Months |
2020 |
Traffic Accidents and Injuries by Type of Accident |
2020 |
Traffic Accidents and Injuries by Reason of Accident |
2020 |
Injured at Traffic Accidents by Nationlity, Gender and Degree of Injury |
2020 |
Injured at Traffic Accidents by Age Groups, Gender and Degree of Injury |
2020 |
Civil Defence Services |
2020 |
Fire Accidents by Location |
2020 |
Fire Accidents by Reasons |
2020 |