Data Collection Sources Places in which commodities and services sold.
Price index is a mathematical gauge that measures the changes in commodities and services prices between two certain periods.
Laspeyres Equation The mathematical equation (developed by Statistician Laspeyres) which calculates the index by using the price levels weighted by the base quantities (weights).
Construction Cost Costs of materials and services required to construct buildings.
Base Period A period by which the current period compared with.
Weights are the relative distribution of construction materials and costs size distributed by chapters, main sections, and groups and items which commodities are composed of according to ISIC. Such weights used in the calculations that depend on Laspeyres equation.
Base prices The prices of a commodity or service during the base period, with which the commodity and service prices of other periods compared.
Commodities frame A set of commodities and services included in construction cost prices system, classified by ISIC Rev.4,
Villa A separate or semidetached building intended with its all storeys to occupy by one family, with one ground entrance and separate parking in addition to independent external spaces.
Multi-storey building All buildings which consist of ground floor + first floor or repeated floors, the first floor and repeated floors are usually used for residential and office purposes, while the ground floor is used for car parking and/or commercial activity (this means it is used for investment purposes and at the same time must be distinguished from investment villas).
Public establishments All buildings that constructed for public use purposes. Their stories vary by the type of usage such as hospitals, schools, mosques, libraries, gardens, embassies, and sport clubs, etc.)
Industrial buildings All buildings that are constructed for purposes of industrial production
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) is the international reference classification of productive activities. Its main purpose is to provide a set of activity categories that can utilized for collecting and classifying statistics according to such activities in a form designed for economic analysis purposes. ISIC consists of a coherent and consistent structure for the economic activities based on the internationally accepted set of concepts, definitions, principles, and classification rules.
The Central Product Classification (CPC) is a product classification for goods and services promulgated by the United Nations Statistical Commission. It is intended to be an international standard for organizing and analyzing data on industrial production, national accounts, trade, prices and so on.
The classification of the Building stages depends on the classification of the different stages of construction, starting with the necessary preparations for construction, the stage of preparing the structure of the building, and finally the final stage, which is the necessary finishes to prepare it for final use, whether for housing, work or any purpose for which the building was prepared.