Data Collection Sources Locations where Commodities and services produced.
Producer Price Index An indicator that measures the change in prices received by domestic producers of goods and services Between two time periods
Laspeyres Formula The mathematical equation (developed by Statistician Laspeyres) which calculates the index by using the price levels weighted by the base quantities (weights).
Producer Price The producers' prices are defined as the prices received by the producer from the buyer for a unit of a commodity or service, from which the value-added tax is deducted, or any tax that are added to the buyer’s invoice, non-inclusive of any transport costs.
Manufacturing Physical and chemical transformation of materials, items, or ingredients to form new products and materials. The transferred materials are mostly raw materials from agriculture, mining, quarrying or products of other manufacturing industries, specialized maintenance of industrial and commercial machinery and equipment. Repairing such is within the manufacturing industry, but the repair of computers and personal and household commodities not considered within the manufacturing industry. Assembling parts resulted by manufacturing industries is considered a manufacturing industry.
Base Period The period that compared to the current period.
Weights It represents the relative distribution of manufacturing industries values within the country according to the main categories, sections, and groups that are components of commodities according to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4. The weights used in calculations that use the Laspeyres Equation.
Base Prices The period that compared to the current period.
Commodity Frame The category of commodities that are part of the producer’s prices system classified according to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4.
International Standard Industrial Classification for All Economic Activities (ISIC) The international reference for productive activities. The main purpose of this classification is to provide a range of categories for activities that can used to collect and classify statistics according to these activities in a format designed for the purpose of economic analysis. Classification consists of a coherent and consistent structure of economic activities based on an internationally agreed-upon set of concepts, definitions, principles and classification rules.