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Officers in Charge are Responsible for Promoting Happiness in Work Environment

Image: Dsc logo

Image: Dsc logo

Respondents to "Al Bayan" weekly poll on its website, Facebook and Twitter generally agreed upon that promoting happiness in workplace is the responsibility of officers in charge.

In Al Bayan website, nearly 82% of respondents stated that enhancing happiness in the work environment lies in the hands of the officers in charge, while 18% of them stated it belongs to employees. In Facebook, 86% said that happiness is the responsibility of officers in charge, while 14% said it is the responsibility of employees. In Twitter, 83% said it belongs to officers in charge and 17% stated the opposite.

Promoting Happiness in Work Environment Lies in the Hands of Officers in Charge  

Respondents to "Al Bayan" weekly poll on its website, Facebook and Twitter generally agreed upon that promoting happiness in workplace is the responsibility of officers in charge.

Joint Responsibility

Commenting on these outputs, Tariq Al Janahi, Deputy Executive Director of DSC and CEO of Happiness and Positivity, said: "Happiness and positivity in work environment cannot be limited to officers in charge or employees. Indeed, it is a "joint" responsibility where all components of the work environment jointly shoulder such a responsibility taking in consideration that the leadership of the institution should guide the whole process and be the starting point, besides they have to enact constructive policies, promote a culture of happiness and positivity among employees and set the role model in positivity for all, continuously improve conditions of work environment, meet the professional needs including the social, psychological, physiological and physical needs, improve levels of job security, and develop skills of their staff and assist them to realize achieve their aspirations." He underlined: "All of this will guarantee arriving at a high level of institutional loyalty among employees, and absolutely will redouble their productivity in terms of quantity and quality, as well as achieve high levels of happiness."

"Happiness and positivity attitudes lies in the hands of each employee," stated he. He went on to say: "It does not matter how officers in charge are competent in establishing high levels of communication channels with their staffs and meet their needs, employees actually not only deal with their seniors, but also deal to a great extent more with their work colleagues, team members, or customers."

Al Janahi underscored: "In the event of poor levels of positivity among all, this will negatively impact the positivity of communication and healthiness of workplace. This absolutely will reflect directly on the employee's comfort, happiness and adaptation with the work team. Therefore, the institution is to have policies that guarantee healthy and positive institutional relations both vertically and horizontally."



He said: "Based on this, we do advise leaders to promote the culture of happiness and positivity in their institutions at various levels. As of matter of fact, if the culture of discontent prevails or lack of conviction, for example, they are sufficient to result in a significant negative impact on the work environment and employees' happiness and level and quality of their productivity and by the end of the day it will reflect on the customers' happiness." He emphasized: "Such cases are to be tackled by education first."

Al Janahi signed off: "Experiencing such an enduring and growing culture of discontent and unhappiness in the workplace, undoubtedly the institution's efforts to address such a trend via material solutions may not get ahead or be effective enough."



