Throughout the past years, education has been the Country’s main focus. Therefore, UAE has adopted a future plan for education development during the upcoming next 20 years aiming to elevate the education to standard levels consistent with technology and science outputs.
The rate of male students has reached 54.4% of the total number of students registered in Dubai’s universities and colleges in 2014, i.e. 0.6% higher than 2013; while female students rate has reached 45.6%, i.e. 8% higher than 2013, according to the latest figures issued by Dubai Statistics Center (DSC).
DSC stated that Business Administration students’ rate reached 43% of the total number of Dubai student which is 21,400 thousand students (estimated in 2014).
Moreover, this year witnessed around 3344 students in Information Systems specialization, 2857 in Mass Communication and Public Relation, 2377 in Media and Design and 3474 students in Foundation Programs.
Meanwhile, engineering student’s rate has reached 9.3% of the total number of higher education students; Human Sciences students’ rate reached 8.8%, while Law student’s rate reached 7.1%. Percentages off other specialization varied.
Recently, DSC developed a data base for Higher Education statistics in Smart Statistics System in partnership with Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry Of Higher Education & Scientific Research and “Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA)” in the context of DSC strategy to statistically cover all sector within the quality system that aims to deliver the highest levels of statistical support for planning and decision making processes.
It is worth noting that from the very first step in the country’s development process, UAE has paid great attention to youth and their role in building the future. UAE is also exerting its best effort to develop education and provide an integrated infrastructure in order to utilize its citizen’s potentials in the economic developments and enhance the Country’s cultural position.