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Dubai Statistics Center create Meeting Minutes Management System

Image : Al Dashti , the director of IT department
Image : Al Dashti , the director of IT department

​Information Technology and Central Statistic Systems Department of Dubai Statistics Center created a new system named as "Meeting Minutes Management System" aiming to fulfill the requirements and needs of Dubai Statistics Center's employees. Also, it provides an active and easy mechanism to create and manage meeting minutes which saves more time and effort.

The system represents a central base of meeting minutes of Dubai Statistics Center, and provides a unified form and wording for minutes, and links with the Center's employees database internally known in the Center, in addition to, it permits the employee to electronically record and archive the minutes and print them in case of there is a need of any hard copy.

In this context, Mr. Ahmad Al Dashti, Director of Department, stated that "In line with directions of Dubai Government to computerize all services of governmental authorities, the Center intended to create Meeting Minutes Management System to electronically record and archive the minutes by the employees in an easy way. Systems Fold Section provides a workshop on how the system uses all secretaries in the Center, also, the Section provides a manual helping the employees to use the system . 


