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Financial services activity is the activity concerned for money management, such as banks, finance companies, investment firms, brokerage and insurance companies. The main economic indicators for this activity are presented by value-added, production, intermediate consumption, number of workers, workers compensations of employees and capital formation through a series of financial surveys carried out by the Dubai Statistics Center. These surveys cover all financial establishments licensed by all licensing authorities in the Emirate of Dubai is calculated by (FISM) which is Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured. FISM is the value of financial intermediation services charged by financial institutions in exchange for financial services implicitly and unauthorized in accordance with international recommendations and National Accounts System of 2008, starting in 2013 according to the following equation:

Reference price RR = interest revenues + interest expenses or interest on loans X 100
Credit + deposit
Loans interest rate RL = interest revenues X 100
Deposits interest rate RD = interest expenses X 100


Calculation of the FISM (P119) = ((Credit) * (RL-RR)/100 + (Deposits) * (RR-RD)/100)


Production of banks = P1119 + P 11

The establishments are classified by International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC4), which has been used since 2013. The center re-estimate the time series for all activities and publishing them according to the new classification in order to ensure consistency and comparability. The process of statistics production at the center is subjected to many of auditing and review procedures in various stages that are managed by statistics production in consistent with international standards and quality controls for data adopted in the Dubai statistics Centre to provide valuable data and reliable for users to process.

It also includes data on the performance of financial markets, the size, value of trades and market value for each of the Dubai Financial Market and Nasdaq Dubai.

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