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Foreign Investment Survey
The Foreign Investment Survey aims to provide an accurate and comprehensive database that reflects the status of foreign investment in the establishment residing in the Emirate of Dubai and its distribution according to economic activity and according to the countries from which this investment flows.
  • Metadata

  • Reports

  • Methodology

Contact organization
Dubai Statistics Center
Contact organization unit
National Accounts Section
Contact name
Corporate Communication & Customer Service Section
Contact person function
Customer Care
Contact mail address
P.O. Box: 121222 Dubai, UAE
Contact email address
Contact phone number
800 DSC (372)
Contact fax number
009714 4290232
Metadata last certified
Metadata last posted
Metadata last update
Data description
The Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) conducts a foreign investment field survey of economic establishments with foreign investment in accordance with the international standards adopted in this regard. The survey covers all Foreign Direct investment establishments and and the establishments which has prtofolio investments and listed on the Dubai Financial Market, as well as establishments with other investments headquartered in the Emirate of Dubai and owned by resident investors in an economy other than the UAE , Where foreign investment is defined as a resident's investment in an economy other than the invested economy. This survey aims to build an accurate and comprehensive database that appoints policy makers and decision makers to identify the status of foreign investment in the Emirate of Dubai and to correctly predict its future developments.

In the collection and processing of statistical data , An internationally agreed classifications and standards ave been used:
- United Nations International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC 4)

- Balance of Payments Manual, 6th edition of the International Monetary Fund(BPM6)

- United Nations Handbook on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010

- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for Foreign Direct Investment (BD4).

- Country classification

Sector coverage
Classification of All Economic Activities by (ISIC 4)
Statistical concepts and definitions
 Direct Investment: Direct Investment is a cross-border investment associated with a resident in one economy having control or significant degree of influence on the management of an enterprise that is resident in another economy. 

Foreign Direct Investor (FDI) : Direct investor is an entity or a group of related entities that is able to exercise control or a significiant degree of influence over another entity that is resident in different economy.


Direct Investment Enterprise (DIE) :It's entity subject to control or a significiant degree of influence by a direct investor.


Fellow enterprises (FE) : Those enterprises that are under the control or influence of the same immediate or indirect investor, but niether fellow enterprises control or influence other fellow enterprise.


ULTIMATE CONTROLLING PARENT (UCP): Is the enterprise that has controlling power either through immediate relationship or through a controlling chains (ownership of 50% or more) and is not controled by any other entity.


Portfolio Investments (PI): Portfolio Investments is defined as cross-border transactions and positions involving debt or equity securities, other than those included in direct investment.


Other Foreign Investments (OI): is a residual category that includes positions and transactions other than those included in direct investment, portfolio investment, financial derivatives and employee stock options, and reserve assets.



To the extent that the following classes of financial assets and liabilities are not included under direct investment or reserve assets, other investment includes:

(a) Other equity;

(b) Currency and deposits;

(c) Loans (including use of IMF credit and loans from the IMF);

(d) Nonlife insurance technical reserves, life insurance and annuities entitlements, pension entitlements, and provisions for calls under standardized guarantees;

(e) Trade credit and advances;

(f) Other accounts receivable/payable; and

(g) SDR allocations (SDR holdings are included in reserve assets)


Statistical unit
Resident institutional units as defined in Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6)
Statistical population
Transactions of all establishment units headquartered in the Emirate of Dubai with the rest of the world
Reference area
Emirate of Dubai
Time coverage
Base period
Million units of national currency
Calendar year.
Legal acts and other agreements

Dubai Statistics Center specializes in the construction of a modern and comprehensive statistical system and shall be the only official source for the collection, analysis and publication of Statistical information and data in the Emirate adopting harmonized methodological international standards in the  collection, analysis, and dissemination of statistical data. For more information, please see the law number (28) related to Dubai Statistics Center


Click here to view the law details

Data sharing
The data are shared with the local Government Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority
Confidentiality - policy

Data confidentiality is governed by law number (28) for the year 2015 about Dubai Statistics Center, article number (9) 'Confidentiality of Statistical Data'.

Click here to view the law details

Release calendar
The reports of the project are published according to the statistical calendar displayed on the website of Dubai Statistics Center after 12 month of the refrence period.
Release calendar access
Click here to access Dubai Statistics Center calendar information
News release
DSC website, official newspapers and social media
On-line database
Available under specific permissions to particular entities
Micro-data access
Micro-data are not available to public due to data confidentiality considerations. However, aggregated data are published to public

The project was implemented according to GSBPM where it takes into consideration statistical quality scopes according to Statistical   data quality charter for the Emirate of Dubai that is adopted by the center specially those related accuracy, objectivity and comparability, since the classifications and methodologies used make the results of this project comparable on national regional and international levels being based on international classifications and methodologies.


Click here to view Dubai Statistics Center Statistical Data Quality Framework

User needs

Support decision-makers, policy-makers, researchers  to identify the following :
 1.Identify the volume of foreign investment in the Emirate of Dubai.
 2. Identify the sectors and economic activities to which foreign investment is directed.
 3-.Identify the country of origin of investments


Source data
The database is based on surveys and administrative records
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Surveys and administrative records
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Title Description Publishing Year File Type File Size
Total Stock of Foreig Investment by Type 2011 Document Icon 129 KB
Total Stock of Foreign Investment by Type 2011 Document Icon 196 KB
Total Stock of Foreign Investment by Economic Activity 2011 Document Icon 130 KB
Total Stock of Foreign Investment by Economic Activity 2011 Document Icon 208 KB
Total Stock of Foreign Direct Investment by Economic Activity 2011 Document Icon 129 KB
Total Stock of Foreign Direct Investment by Economic Activity 2011 Document Icon 207 KB
Total Stock of Other Foreign Investment by Economic Activity* 2011 Document Icon 124 KB
Total Stock of Other Foreign Investment by Economic Activity 2011 Document Icon 206 KB
Total Stockof Portifolio Investment by Economic Activity* 2011 Document Icon 130 KB
Total Stockof Portifolio Investment by Economic Activity 2011 Document Icon 200 KB
Foreign Direct Investment By Top Ten Countries 2011 Document Icon 130 KB
Foreign Direct Investment By Top Ten Countries 2011 Document Icon 199 KB
Title Description Publishing Year File Type File Size