Establishment: It is an economic unit engaged in one, or more, economic activity(s) under one management, has a legal entity and owner, either individual or legal person, and has a fixed place where one economic activity or integrated and similar activities are practised.
Main Economic Activity: The leading economic activity carried out at the establishment. In the case of multiple activities, the owner of the Establishment determines the main activity, which achieves the greatest production or the biggest return for the Establishment.
Revenues: means revenues resulting from the establishment’s carrying out its main economic activity, its revenues resulting from its production of goods and services to meet the market demand.
Interest Income: The amounts due to the Establishment as a result of depositing in local banks or lending to local government and private entities and individuals as well as the benefits of bonds owned by the Establishment and the benefits of delaying debt repayments during the survey year.
Interest Expenses: The value of the interests incurred on funds borrowed from banks and financial institutions operating in the Emirate of Dubai and the amounts paid to depositors, not including the loan repayment premium.
Deposit: The term “deposit” refers to authorized amounts in any currency that are deposited with the bank which is due on demand, or the due date for individuals or institutions of all legal forms whether they reside within or outside UAE.
Credit: is the balance of loans provided by the establishment to third parties, which represent an asset for the establishment.
For more definitions please click the link to view survey methodology published on DSC website