Mohammed bin Rashid: Excellence has become a Culture and a Driving Force for Evolution and an Essential Factor for a Better Tomorrow ..
His Highness Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, may God protect him, together with his Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, in the presence of His Highness Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Aviation and Chief Executive of Emirates Group, honored the outstanding entities and work teams who won the awards of the Dubai Government Excellence Program in its 19th edition.
His Highness Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum commended the efforts of the Program's work team. He congratulated the winning entities, work teams and individuals, considering the excellence and creativity journey, in which the Dubai Government Departments have been achieving big strides for 19 years, is the journey of the UAE in general, the governments of which take the same path, with a steady pace, to fulfill the higher national objectives, in the forefront of which is to make people happy and provide them with the most outstanding services in ministries, entities and federal and local Government Departments. His Highness addressed the high officials of the departments of the Government of Dubai, saying:
"I see that some officials have slacked this year and did not achieve any positive results at the level of State competition, thinking they have already reached the pinnacle, so they stopped being persevere and developing their work. This is a wrong conception and as of today – till the 20th edition of Dubai Government Excellence Program, they have to work hard to implement the fourth generation system of government excellence in the federal government". His Highness directed the Program's General Coordinator to take the necessary operational steps to implement His Highness's order.
On this occasion, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum tweeted, "The Dubai Government Excellence Program Awards ceremony witnessed innovative departments, unknown soldiers and creative ideas and initiatives that we honored", then he added, "Excellence programs have become a culture and a driving force of evolution and an essential factor for a better tomorrow for all of our government entities, so congratulations to all winners and leaders of change". His Highness concluded by saying, "Next year, Dubai Program completes 20 years, so we ordered that Dubai directorates move to the 4th generation of excellence programs in preparation for a new era of government work".
The ceremony kicked off at Dubai World Trade Center yesterday's morning with the national anthem, then His Highness Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, sponsor of the ceremony and sponsor of excellence, went to the podium, with His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum by his side, where His Highness honored the winner of the New Distinguished Government Employee category, which was won by Mohammed Yousef Al-Marri, from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs. The New Distinguished Government female Employee was won by Naima Saeed Al Nuaimi from Dubai Customs, while the Distinguished Professional Employee award was won by Hamda Mohammed Ahli from the Public Prosecutor's Office.
Also, the Distinguished Field Employee was honored. It was won by Ahmed Abdullah from Dubai Customs and the distinguished female employee at the Technology and Engineering Sector which ws won by Mariam Khamis Salmeen form Dubai Electricity and Water Authority. The Distinguished Administration Employee was won by Faisal Yacoub Al-Baloushi from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs.
Also, in the Administrative Excellence category, Tourism and Commerce Marketing won for their project 'Electronic Permits Portal". The Distinguished Technical Project award was won by Roads and Transport Authority, while the Joint Government Project Award was won by the Mobile Eye Clinic at Dubai Health Authority, Roads and Transport Authority and Noor Dubai Foundation.
Enwan Knights
The Joint Task Force category award was won by the knights of Enwan Hotel, affiliated with the General Directorate for Civil Defense in Dubai. The Corporate Excellence and Disabled-Friendly Government Entity award was won by Dubai Police Force, while the Financially Outstanding Government Entity Award was won by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority. The Happiness Index Best Result Award was won by Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Dubai Statistics Center won the award of the government entity that contributed most to the happiness of its employees.
As regards the government entity that excelled in smart transformation, it was won by Dubai Police Force, while Dubai Electricity and Water Authority won the award of the government entity that excels in government communications. Moreover, Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services won the award of best entity sponsoring creativity as part of Ibdaa Initiative launched by His Highness UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.
As regards the Innovative Idea Award, which is part of the initiative, it was won by Dubai Municipality. The best Smart Separation System Award was won by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, while Dubai Customs won the Smart Customs Inspection Award. Moreover, Dubai Innovation Index Award was won by Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Default Gateway Award was won by the Roads and Transport Authority.
As regards the newly introduced category of Innovative Leader Award, it was won by Abulkarim Suliman Rostom from the General Directorate of Civil Defense, while the Creative Employee Award went to Salem Mohammed from the General Directory of Residency and Foreigners Affairs, Rashid Hamdan from Dubai Police Force and Ameer Yassin from the Roads and Transport Authority.
Meanwhile, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, which topped the list as regards the number of awards, won the Large Outstanding Government Entities Award, while Dubai Customs snatched the Medium Outstanding Government Entities Award and Dubai Corporation for Aviation Engineering Projects won the award of the government entity that achieved the most improvement in government performance.
Unidentified Soldiers
His Highness Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, may God protect him, honored the unidentified soldiers of those employees who work in a number of government entities silently and loyally from behind the scenes. Then, the Dubai Government Excellence Program work team shook hands with His Highness, sponsor of the ceremony and creativity, and took pictures with him.
The ceremony was attended by His Excellency Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in Dubai, Khalifa Saeed Sulaiman, Director General of the Department of Protocol and Hospitality in Dubai and a number of presidents of local institutions and government departments, as well as a huge number of employees of the Government of Dubai.
Main Themes
The Fourth Generation System, a part of the Government Excellence system, that His Highness Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, may God protect him, directed government entities to apply in order to enhance government work according to innovative basics and standards, rely on the achieved results as the mainstay of excellence in government performance, as part of 3 main axes, which are the realization of vision, innovation and enablers.