Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) has initiated the field works of 2017 Dubai's Labor Force Survey part of the Dubai's statistical plan and is conducted within the framework of a national statistical project covering all regions of UAE. Statistics Centre− Abu Dhabi (SCAD) is instigating this survey in Abu Dhabi, while the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority (FCSA) is in charge of carrying it out in the remaining Emirates.
Mr. Arif Al Muhairi, Executive Director of Dubai Statistics Center, said that the Labor Force Survey aims to identify the realty on the ground accurately and provide information inputs to calculate the statistical indictors of labor, unemployment and the main characteristics of the labor force of Dubai's population of all their categories and demographic, social and economic features.
DSC issues official statistical reports and indicators of Dubai's labor force on a regular basis and consistent with the adopted cutting-edge international statistical methodologies and standards. These reports and indictors will enable the decision makers, strategic planning specialists, labor market policy makers and related sectors such as education and Emiratization to develop their plans and policies precisely.
Mr. Al Muhairi stated that the survey results provide an up-to-date and accurate database accessible swiftly and accurately by researchers, business community leaders and other groups interested in labor force indicators. The survey results are publicized transparently via official statistical channels and mass media.
"DSC strategic plan 2016-2021 is a strategy tailored to Dubai Plan 2021 to provide information support in light of the strategic transformation and rapid growth witnessed by the Emirate of Dubai in all sectors and at various levels to provide high quality and timeliness statistical data for various economic, social and demographic sectors," added he. He went on to say: "This plan is also compatible with the FCSA's National Statistical Plan being executed by various UAE statistical centers operating under the umbrella of FCSA."
Al Muhairi revealed that the Labor Force Survey covers 4000 families including 1,500 Emirati households and 1,500 non-Emirati households, in addition to a sample of labor's communities that covers 1,000 workers.
ID Cards
Mohammed Al Mulla, Director of Statistical Surveys and Frames Department at DSC, said: "the field researchers tasked by DSC to conduct the Labor Force Survey will finish their field duties by mid-December 2017 and visits will be conducted during 04:30 p.m. until 09:30 p.m."
He stated: "Field researchers tasked by DSC to conduct this survey hold a valid official ID that shows their personal information and wearing a uniform which is a red and gray jacket." He emphasized: "Citizens must check prior disclosing any information to any person. Anyone who does not have a card or not wearing the uniform does not represent DSC. In case of suspecting his/her eligibility to collect information, they should be reported immediately."