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DSC: Dubai Population is 3.4 Million and Hosts 4.4 Million Daily

​Image: DSC logo

​Image: DSC logo

The Demographic report issued from Dubai Statistics Center stated that the population of Dubai reached 3,411,200 at the end of 2020 with an increase of 55,300 comparing to the previous year, and a growth rate of 1,63%. Despite the achieved population growth rate, the decrease in the growth rate was due to the procedures and circumstances associated with Covid-19 pandemic devastated and broke out all around the world. Especially, the population growth within the state generally and Dubai particularly is affected significantly by foreign labor recruitment and not limited to the natural growth.
The tangible increase of the active individuals during rush hours within the Emirate is significantly noted given to the exceptional dynamism and liveliness it has, being a local and global business city and tourist hotspot. Therefore, the number of people therein is increasing noticeably during the usual rush hours. The number of people in Dubai during such period reaches 4,420,370 i.e. around 1,009,170 persons existing temporarily in the Emirate for the purposes of work or tourism in most cases is added to the usual residents therein.

The population estimation reports provide a real estimated projection about the size of the usual  population residing within the Emirate during a certain period and this is variable yearly, in addition to the projections of visitors and individuals come and leave during the normal rush-hours and then after.

Dubai Statistic Center (DSC) works according to the international standards and methodologies, and simultaneously takes into consideration the peculiarity of the Emirate, the requirements of its demographic nature of the additional efforts for statistics. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide a complete projection for the population position and individuals movements within the Emirate to the planners, decision makers, investors and all statistical data users. As the population growth is significantly affected by the number of the comers for the purposes of work, residency or the travelling residents. Therefore, the population growth rate is also affected by the net increase of the comers to the Emirate not only by the normal increase (births and deaths), which controls the population growth in the most cities and countries around the world. In respect of the population among the Emirati citizens, the growth rate is mainly subject to the normal increase.
The population distribution of the Emirati domiciled in Dubai, in respect of the gender, is equipollent, 49,6% for males and 50,4% for females. Thus, the gender ratio is 99 males per 100 females.

Regarding the age and gender composition of all Dubai population, permanently domiciled, the male percentage is significantly higher than female percentage (225 male per 100 female). The males number reaches 2,362,255 (two million three hundred sixty two thousand two hundred fifty two) male, while the females population number is 1,048,945 (one million eighty-four thousand nine hundred forty-five) female, this is because the high percentage of male expatriates working in the Emirates without their families.
