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Dubai Annual CPI Hits A drop by 2.75% in November 2019

Image: DSC logo

The Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate hit a drop level by 2.75 percent in November 2019 compared to the same period in 2018, the Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) reported.

It is revealed that CPI decreased due to a decline in prices of Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas Group by 5.51 percent leading inflation to go down by 2.33 percent, Transportation Group by 7.28 percent that lessened inflation by 0.83 percent and Tobacco Group went down by 0.18 percent.

In the meantime, CPI of Education Group rose by 0.13 percent and Restaurants and Hotels Group went up by 1.77 percent pushing inflation rate up by 0.08 percent, Clothing and Footwear Group went up by 2.96 leading the inflation rate to rise by 0.06 percent, Food and Beverages Group hit a rise by 0.37 percent adding 0.05 percent to the inflation rate, Recreation and Culture Group by 1.88 percent pushing inflation rate up by 0.04 percent, Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance Group by 0.59 percent adding to the inflation rate 0.02 percent, Miscellaneous Goods and Services Group went up by 0.29 percent pushing inflation up by 0.02 percent, Communications Group rose by 0.23 percent pushing up inflation by 0.01 percent and Health Group went up by 0.16 percent. 

CPI Falls by 0.22% in November 2019
As for the CPI of November 2019 compared to October 2019, it stood at a decline of 0.22 percent. Grounds for such a decrease are attributed to a decline in Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas Group by 0.36 percent leading inflation to go down by 0.15 percent, Transportation Group by 0.69 percent pushing inflation rate down by 0.07 percent, Recreation and Culture Group by 3.16 percent making the the inflation rate to stand at a decline by 0.07, Miscellaneous Goods and Services Group went down by 0.34 percent pushing inflation up by 0.02 percent, Tobacco Group by 0.04 percent and Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance Group went down by 0.02 percent

Meanwhile, prices of certain groups witnessed a rise in rates, including Food and Beverages Group which rose by 0.49 percent pushing inflation rate up by 0.06 percent, Communications Group increased by 0.33 percent pushing inflation rate up by 0.02 percent, Restaurants and Hotels Group went up by 0.09 percent.

On the other hand, the groups of Clothing and Footwear, Health and Education groups maintained their former levels during the period of comparison.






