The Women's Committee "Danat" at Dubai Statistics Centre organized a celebration to mark the middle of the Month of Shabaan and which is called the "True Night". Virtually all of Dubai Statistics Center personnel and a large number of family members participated in this celebration, which comes in line with the Dubai Statistics Center's initiative to promote and preserve national identity. The celebration included a number of activities. The Henna drawing was very popular among women employees and their daughters. The celebration also features an abundance of traditional food. Participants also took part in a folkloric game "Toh Aw Howaim" in which players draw squares on the sand an one player starts the game by throwing a stone into the first square then hops to the square using one leg only and with this leg, the player pushes the stone to the next square until the finish square. The True Night celebration is one of the folkloric traditions in the UAE which has been preserved through the generations. The night in the middle of the Month of Shabaan is also very popular among the children who roam the neighborhood dressed in traditional clothes with each child holding a sack specially made to be used on this night called "Kharita" and in which the children put candy and nuts they gather from the houses of their neighbors.
This night has different names in other Gulf Cooperation Council States. It is called the True Night in the UAE, Qerqaan in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, Qarqaon in the Kingdom of Bahrain and Ranqaoh in Qatar and Qranqsho in the Sultanate of Oman.