Al Muhairi: A New Achievement for the UAE and the Wise Leadership Who Developed Strategies and Qualified and Empowered the leaders
Dubai Statistics: Total Local and International Awards Granted to DSC is 57 and 12 awards in 2018
In recognition of his dedicated efforts in establishing and managing the Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) in line with the best practices and high-caliber innovative strategies and policies, the Executive Director of DSC, Arif Al Muhairi has been awarded the "CEO of the Year" Award of 2018 in the category of public and private sectors and public non-profit associations by the UK Business Brilliance Awards, one of the world's most prestigious awards. Moreover, The CEO Today Magazine Middle East Awards awarded Arif Al Muhairi the "Best CEO in Public Sector and Public Services" as part of the "CEO Today Award" in the middle east. By winning these two prominent awards, the DSC's total local and regional awards turned to be 57 out of which are 12 awards won in 2018.
"These awards are indeed another further milestone achieved by the UAE and our wise leadership who laid the foundations, strategies and constructive policies paving the way for the UAE's authorities, institutions and entities along with their managerial leaders to excel and spearhead the global names," Al Muhairi stated on this occasion. He added the wise leadership's support and empowerment is exceptional and unique even outpacing other most developed countries.
Al-Muhairi expressed his appreciation for DSC's work team hailing their fine features of harmony, team spirit and team at the Dubai Statistics Center, eminent professionalism were among the most important grounds for realizing such prominent achievements. He also expressed his gratitude to all DSC's partners, specifically the government entities supporting DSC constantly that constitute an excellent example in partnership, integrity and support of the statistical work.
The Business Brilliance Awards are dedicated to honor the most impressive and successful organizations, teams and leaders in the world who have succeeded in achieving a holistic and paradigm shift in managing and leading their institutions, sectors and employees in line with an ambitious global vision. Indeed, the Business Brilliance Awards international elite judges participated the assessment processes while adopting a number of standards, most importantly are clarity of vision, objectives, strategic thinking, creative flexibility, facing challenges, efficiency, effectiveness, and establishing and consolidating the institutional culture and its results and achievements.
As for the CEO Today Magazine Middle East Awards, they are awarded for the Executive Leaders from around the world honoring the most successful CEOs according to the award standards and those who achieved distinguished track record.