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Annual Inflation Rates Rise by 2.69% in Dubai During January 2018

​Image: DSC Logo

​Image: DSC Logo

Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) recent data has indicated that the Annual Inflation Rate of Goods and Services Prices of Dubai in the consumer basket hit a rise level by 2.69% during January 2018 compared to the same period in 2017 following the actual implementation of VAT as of early 2018.

In accordance with the DSC's data of which "Emirates Today" received a copy, the change in prices of Miscellaneous Goods and Services in Tobacco Group was influential and led to a rise by 74.63%. Relatedly, prices of Restaurants and Hotels Group rose by 12.9%, Transportation Group by 10.72% and Clothing and Footwear Group 7.64%.

The inflation indicator also witnessed a rise in Food and Beverages Group by 5.96% compared to the same period in January 2017. Additionally, Communications Group hit a rise by 5.47%, Education Group by 3.95%, Health Group by 0.59% and Furnishings, Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance Group rose by 0.57%

Quite the reverse, prices of certain groups featured a decline, including: Recreation and Culture Group 10.33%, Miscellaneous Goods and Services Group by 1.39% and Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and other Fuel by 0.67%.

Data of DSC show that the monthly inflation indicator of goods and services prices in the consumer basket rose by 2.04% in January 2018 compared to December 2017. The rise is attributed to increase in prices of Tobacco Group by 9.06%, Restaurants and Hotels Group by 7.69%, Communications Group by 5.61% and Recreation and Culture Group by 5.12%.

Moreover, prices of Miscellaneous Goods and Services Group features a rise by 3.76% during January 2018 compared to December 2017. This applies also to Food and Beverages Group by 3.41%, Clothing and Footwear Group 2.99%, Transportation Group 2.73% and Education Group by 1.01%.

Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance Group was not an exception and witnessed a rise by 0.97%, Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and other Fuel by 0.44% and Health Group by 0.23%

