Arif Obaid Al Muhairi, the Executive Director for Dubai Statistics Center discussed with Amal Ben Odey, General Director of the Dubai Government Human Resources Department, the launching of a strategic joint initiative which aims to the establishing of an integrated statistical system for labor force statistics in the emirate of Dubai. This was discussed during the visit done by the Dubai Government Human Resources Department to the Dubai Statistics Center.
Al Muhairi said "This project for setting a linking system for labor force statistics is one of the strategic initiatives that the Center is thriving to accomplish within this year in collaboration with the Dubai Government Human Resources Department. This will result in a central unified database for the labor force statistics along the emirate of Dubai which will include the various labor market sectors, in standard frameworks, concepts, methodologies and criteria. This will be done using the Smart Statistics system developed by the Dubai Statistics Center which provides technical smart advanced solutions for the statistical linking processes, gathering and processing of information, statistical publishing processes and generating reports." He also pointed out "This system will be able to fulfill the statistical requirements for the different sectors, and to be integrated with the different information sources capabilities and the nature of their databases." Al Muhairi added "The Center is employing all its efforts and capabilities to support his strategic partners in the statistics field, in the scope of becoming an internationally recognized statistics center, supporting the development in the emirate of Dubai according to its executive policy which is based on managing statistical work with a concept of partnership."
Ben Odey praised the initiative, assuring the support and integration of the Human Resources Department with the Center in order to accomplish the project. She said "It will be an important information source for the planning and policy setting processes for the labor force."
The meeting was attended by Tariq Al Janahi the Deputy Executive Director in DSC, Ahmed Al Deshti the Information Technology and Central Statistical Systems department head and Gomaa El Hawsani the Population and Social Statistics department head, in addition to a number of the Center's specialists and officials. And from the Dubai Government Human Resources Department side, Issa Ben Netouf the Pensions and Social Security department head and Modather Al Fadel the Strategic Development office manager attended the meeting.