Dubai Economy realizes a real growth at 3.8% in 2014. The gross domestic product of Dubai in the fixed prices has reached approx. Dhs 338 billion, and the activity of wholesale and retail is still at the head of other economic activities in respect of contribution in the domestic product. It contributed at 28.9% of the gross domestic product realizing an added value amounted to Dhs 97.6 billion.
His Highness Sheikh Ahmad Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Senior Chairman of Emirates Airlines Group, Chairman of Economic Development Committee in the Economic Performance of Emirate, stated that the policy of economic variety adopted by Dubai Government confirmed its effectiveness. All economic activities were positively improved in their growth rates in 2014, and this positively affected the continuous growth of value of Emirate's gross domestic product.
His Highness referred to that this economic progress in Dubai is an outcome of sharp vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Ruler of Dubai – May Allah Protect Him – and years of planning and construction and providing the modern infrastructures supported by technology.
In the same context, Aref Obeid Al Muhairi, Executive Director of Dubai Statistics Center, said that many economic sectors and activities provided a distinguished performance in comparison with 2013. He mentioned that the activity of transport, storage and communication contributed at 34% in the realized growth.
On the other hand, Dubai was at the head of list of best 10 investment cities in the growing economies until 2020 at the index of Euro monitor International Research Establishment.