Al Muhairi: The program is the cornerstone for developing technical statistical national capabilities
The Dubai Statistics Center launched a statistical training system as part of its efforts to develop the capabilities of the young Emirati cadres and provide them with advanced statistical skills. The program involves a number of training programs that have been developed by experts and academics in the statistical field. The program also includes several training programs such as General Statistical Principles, Identification of the Types of Samples and the Process of Controlling Statistical Data and Outputs Quality. It also involves applied training programs on technical statistical software, in addition to subjecting the trainees to an intensive practical training plan that contributes to refining the knowledge and skills of the trainees.
On his part, His Excellency Arif Obaid Al Muhairi. Executive Director of the Dubai Statistics Center, said, “This program is developed as a result of our belief in the importance of qualifying a new generation of Emirati statistical cadres." "The program is created to be the cornerstone for empowering and developing technical statistical national capabilities to direct the statistical works with professional levels, in addition to upgrading the potentials of these national cadres to keep pace with developments and changes of modern statistics technologies and data science." Al Muhairi added.
In its first version, 24 employees of different job grades are participating in the program, as they are scheduled to complete 340 training hours in two years.