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construction material prices ( Cement , aggregates )

​Image : construction material (  Cement , aggregates )

​Image : construction material (  Cement , aggregates )

 Dubai Statistics Center issued a report monitoring the prices of the main groups of materials within the construction material price index for the first quarter of 2015 in comparison with the same in 2014. Variations were observed in various materials prices. Cement, aggregates, sand, blocks and concrete prices mainly increased, while steel prices decreased.

Lime prices increased by 3.11%, Portland cement by 2.77%, gypsum by 1.8% and sulphate resistant cement by 1.29% while white cement prices decreased by 1.02%.

Sand and aggregates

The index prices for the sand and aggregates group increased by 5.88% for red sand, 5% for aggregates 3/16", 1.45% for black sand and 1.35% for white sand, while prices stayed the same for aggregates ¾" and aggregates 3/8".


The index prices for the blocks group increased for most of the listed items. Solid blocks (6 cm) increased by 4.9%, solid blocks (4 cm) by 4.27%, hollow blocks (4 cm) by 3.78%, solid blocks (8 cm) by 2.41% and hollow blocks (6 cm) by 0.49%, while they stayed the same for hollow blocks (8 cm).


The index prices for the concrete group increased. The ready mix normal concrete prices increased by 4.34% and the sulphate resistant by 4.25%.


The index prices for the steel group decreased for all the listed items. Prices for steel bars 6 - 8 mm decreased by 8.08%, steel bars 10 - 25 mm by 5.59%, B.R.C. mesh 8 mm by 5.14%, B.R.C. mesh 7 mm by 2.76 and B.R.C. mesh 6 mm by 2.59%.

First quarter versus fourth quarter

When comparing the first quarter of 2015 to the fourth quarter of 2014, we can note the increase of the white cement prices by 0.14% while gypsum prices decreased by 0.88% and lime by 0.43%. As for Portland cement and sulphate resistant cement prices, they stayed the same.

The index prices for the blocks group increased for all the listed items and for the steel group it increased for B.R.C. mesh 6 mm by 1.46%, while it decreased for all the other items.
