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Divorce Cases Stands at 2.4 Per 1000 Emiratis at the Age of Marriage in Dubai

​Image: DSC logo

​Image: DSC logo

Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) released that the average divorce rate for UAE nationals at the age of marriage during 2017 stood at 2.4 per 1,000 citizens residing in Dubai out of the total number of cases where the couples are Emiratis.

DSC officials stated to the "Emirates Today" that the number of divorce certificates registered at Dubai Courts and issued for two Emirati couples in the same period of 2017 reached 377 certificates.

In details and according to the up-to-the-minute data of 2017 released to DSC by Dubai Courts Department, DSC reported that the overall divorce rate stood at 2.4 cases per 1000 locals residing in Dubai who are at the age of marriage out of the cases where the two couples are Emiratis. The rate gets higher if it is calculated for all divorce certificates registered in Dubai Courts, regardless of the nationality of the spouse, whether Emirati or non-Emirati, to be 3.9 cases per 1000 citizens residing in Dubai and at the age of marriage.

DSC officials interpreted the average divorce rate as it is the number of divorce cases per 1000 of population at the age of marriage irrespective of their social status, i.e. if we decide to project this equation on a certain stratum of population, such as Emiratis, then we calculate the number of divorce cases among Emiratis per 1000 persons who are at the age of marriage in mid-year, regardless of their social status.

DSC revealed that the number of divorce certificates registered in Dubai Courts during the same period of Emirati male married to an Emirati female reached 377 during 2017. As for the total divorce certificates registered for Emirati male married to non-Emirati female (Emirati male married to non-Emirati female and Emirati female married to non-Emirati male), it was 236 divorce certificates during the same year.

With regard to the rate of marriage contracts during 2017 (Emirati spouses), the overall rate among those at the age of marriage was 6.7 contracts per 1000 Emiratis residing in Dubai. This rate rises to arrive at 11.2 cases per 1000 Emiratis if it is calculated for the total number of marriage contracts registered in the name of Emirati male married to Emirati or non-Emirati female (Emirati male married to non-Emirati female and Emirati female married to non-Emirati male).

Furthermore, DSC officials pointed out that the number of marriage contracts registered in Dubai courts during 2017 of Emirati males married to Emirati females was 1056. As for the total number of marriage contracts registered for Emirati male married to non-Emirati female (Emirati male married to non-Emirati female and Emirati female married to non-Emirati male), it reached 701 701 contracts during the same year.
