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Inflation Rate of Dubai Shrinks by 1.97% in Q1 2019 Compared to Q4 2018

​Image: DSC logo

​Image: DSC logo

Annual inflation Index of Consumer’s Prices declined by 1.97% in Q1 of 2019 compared to Q4 of 2018, according to a report issued by Dubai Statistics Center

The rise is attributed to increase in prices of both Transport Group by 9.10% leading inflation to downswing by 1.02 per cent, Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and other Fuel decreased 1.59% which lessened the inflation rate by 0.67 per cent, Food and Beverages declined by 1.85% leading inflation to go down by 0.24 per cent, Recreation and Culture by 2.82% pushing inflation down by 0.06 per cent, Clothing and Footwear Group by 2.64% dropping the inflation rate by 0.05 per cent, Furnishings, Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance Group by 0.16% causing  inflation rate to go down by 0.01, Communications by 0.09% and Tobacco by 0.04%.

On the other hand, prices of Restaurants and Hotels hit a rise by 1.17% leading inflation to increase by 0.05 per cent, Miscellaneous Goods and Services by 0.44% pushing inflation rate up by 0.03 per cent, Health by 0.17%. However, prices of Education Group remained stable during the comparison period.


Inflation Rate of Dubai Went Down by 13.72% in Q1-19 Compared to Q1-18

Upon comparing Q1 of 2019 with the same period of 2018, the report shows that the inflation rate dropped by 3.72% due to the decline of prices of Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and other Fuel decreased 6.04% which lessened the inflation rate by 2.62 per cent, transportation by 6.34% leading inflation rate to go down by 0.68 per cent, Clothing and Footwear Group by 10.19% pushing the inflation rate down by 0.22 per cent, Miscellaneous Goods and Services by 3.69% pushing the inflation rate down by 0.22 per cent, food and beverages prices shrank by 0.78% pushing inflation rate down by 0.10 per cent, Recreation and Culture by 1.57% making inflation rate to decrease by 0.03 per cent, Communications Group by 0.39% decreasing the inflation rate by 0.02 per cent and Health by 0.22%.

Noteworthy, prices of Restaurants and Hotels hit a rise by 2.36% leading inflation rate to upswing by 0.10 per cent, Furnishings, Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance Group by 1.54% causing inflation rate to go up by 0.06, Tobacco by 2.83% that increased the inflation rate by 0.02 per cent and Education by 0.03%.
